Thursday, April 22, 2010

*15- Got a hanky?

Let me begin this post by saying that I have some 100% original ideas, however I would say that the majority of my craftiness is... borrowed.

My invites are no exception. But I LOVE everything about them.

To begin, my inspiration:

Very lovely save the dates via DIY Bride via Borrowed Turquoise -- a new favorite

I loved it so much that I thought they were far more worthy to be invites rather than save-the-dates for our little affair. I did some research to think about whether it was possible, cheap, and truely DIY-able.

I found 150 vintage handkerchiefs on eBay for $45!

I got a fabric screen-printing setup for under $50 from Urban Outfitters (great screen, photo emulsion fluid, emulsion remover, ink, squeegee, etc.)!

I used recycled paper for the outside for $3/50!

All I need to pay for is postage and put in some time and VOILA! some bomb-a$$ invites.

I made my first prototype last night.

Whatcha think?

*14- Center of attention

Long have I been missing. I do promise, if not to anyone reading and only to myself, that it has been a good thing. SO much has happened. Today will be a blog heavy day- get ready!

So much progress has been made and lot of exciting things are happening and there is a ton to say about each and every one. That being said, I will be devoting a post to each one.


The plan: LACMA Lamposts, Travel Town, and Hollywood sign

Actual happenings: LACMA Lamposts, F$*# Travel Town, and can't really get that close to Hollywood sign (you would think as Los Angeles familiars, we would have known this, but no)

We LOVE LOVE LOVE our photographers Allison and Kyle of Studio 28 Photo! We obviously don't have our wedding photos yet, but I love the work they have done, and they are so, very wonderful to "work with". My man and I weren't used to being the center of attention and both agreed that the last time someone was really taking some pictures of us was in senior portraits for high school. BUT, they made us feel so comfortable and made us laugh so much. What a cute couple too, gets you in that loving feelin'. Is it weird to want to ask your vendors out for a beer? Just kidding, but really they are so down to earth and based on our experience so far, we really feel that we couldn't have made a better choice.

Originally I wasn't so set on the idea of an engagement session. After the fact, I would highly recommend it to all you fellow haters. It really made me feel so excited for when we are taking photos at our wedding, plus we got a good feel for everyones personalities. They learned what sort of things would make us giggle- pouring out some skunk home-brew for the hommies... etc. If we hadn't have gone through with the E.S., than that awkward first little bit would have been during our wedding day and I want as many good, comfortable, candid photos I can get. Boo-ya, success.

They photos should arrive in the mail by Saturday and let me tell you, I have never checked my mailbox with so much enthusiasm, except for maybe when I was waiting to get my hankies-- deets to come ;)

CHECK OUT STUDIO 28 PHOTO, like for reals.

Monday, February 22, 2010

*13- Went to this

If you didn't, you should have. (Don't worry I can fill you in, and I think I got a brochure from EVERY vendor)

If you have a wedding in 2011, make sure you go next year!

A Soolip Wedding

*12- Big news

Place, found.
Date, set.
Belly Butterflies, started.

More to come...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

*11- Seen with mines-eye, inspiration

As I have had this "obsession" (so my mother and fiance call it), for a long time, I have accumulated a very large folder of favorite, nifty ideas. However as I was scrolling through the other folders on my computer today I came across an old memory book or sorts-- the weddings I have helped coordinate! Of course I had not forgotten them, but when I helped with them I was not engaged yet, now looking back I realize what a source of real-life inspiration I have!

And what could be a better place to gain inspiration than from those lovely brides I got to know so well.

So here I will share with you one photo, and one photo only as I do hope that I reveal some of my favorites in a series.

This was some draping that I did for a bride at the Long Beach Grand, and at first I was thinking, 'purple?? really?' but I fell IN LOVE with it!! Sometimes the things you think wouldn't look super great look beyond great. I have always loved the idea of draping but had always thought white on white was nice, added texture and a graceful quality to most spaces, but it can also be such a statement!

As I have mentioned, I am leaning towards an outdoor wedding, however, I had not really thought about a tent. Being reminded of this idea is like when I decided to not be a vegetarian anymore; it wasn't bad, I just suddenly had too many choices!!

I would love a big white tent, and maybe some light red or powder blue.... or dare I say both??!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

*10- Like Mother, Like Daughter

I think I officially got my mom addicted to wedding blogs. I love her, why don't we live closer? (I wish I could capitalize a question mark) She is a best friend, a mother, as well as, a *-ing good researcher. I am a lucky lady to have her in my life and in such a crucial role.

Wish I was home--right now. Love you Mom.
You are beautiful and an inspiration to me everyday.

*9- I must be taking crazy pills

Sure maybe some of the people I know would say that crazy pills are the norm for me, however I feel like I am being particularly silly. However, at the same time I thought "I have an outlet for this now and I can take advantage of that"

Random crazy 'Ryann facts'

1. I play the steeldrum. As in 'welcome to Jamaica, here is a foreign instrument' and I have been since 4th grade. There is also definitely one nestled sweetly on some patterned pillows in my bedroom corner.
2. Today I asked my fiance (LOVE the switchover from bf to the F word... melting), if when I smiled he noticed all the wrinkles I already have and if he would still love me when I was all wrinkle-y. He said 'no' and 'of course'. I have snagged a dreamboat.
man, but you get the idea...

3. Meeting with my business partner- {sorry T.S., what do I call you after all?? <3)>
4. I am a rambler. THIS IS NOT A SURPRISE! How many blogs have I done? It should be clear in all of those even thus far. If you have not noticed, I love you, I want you, I'll keep you as a blog reader forever.
That being said 4b. I am SUUUUUUPER shy. Waitress jobs were really good practice for me in college, b.c. I love people, I just have a really hard time approaching people in everyday settings. Thank goodness for men with confidence, otherwise I would still be a single lady. P.S. I know everyone loves that music video and I loved the glee rendition, however, sorry to admit Kanye, but I think the music video is highly over-amped.

5. I dab in most artistic areas.... my stuff. =)

6. Used to competitively ride horses, combined training- dressage, stadium, and cross country style, holla if you know what thats all about. I miss it almost every single day. I want a horsey. Or a great dane. Poor fiance of mine and all the 'wants' he has to deal with.

7. When I haven't shaved my legs after a day, when it just barely starts to get a little bit of not smooth on my legs, my man will 'pet' my leg and call me "KITTY" So rude. Just thought I would share (sorry, handsome)

8. I bought a CD that was called Sweetheart at Starbucks because it was called Sweetheart and no other reason (this whole engagement thing has got me feeling all romantic, don't cha know?). The first time I hated it, I wanted to take it back. Then I switched locations, atmospheres... and I cannot stop hitting repeat. I think I am on 6 times by now. OBSESSED. How does this happen? Am I bipolar, perhaps?
Starbucks Entertainment
9. 2, 9, 29, and 11 are my favorite numbers. On car trips I used to play with the clock. Nope, you read it right, I would sit quietly and make math equations with the time on the digital clock in our family's suburban. I would try and make the most complicated ones I could and only using those numbers that were on the clock and combinations of them and they had to be full, balanced equations. I went into college as a Math and Business major and graduated in Marketing Communications and Art. The average person uses 6% of their brain, so says Bill Nye the Science Guy, and I would imagine I use about 2% and 4% in accordance with the left and the right sides of mine.
10. Final one, PERFECT 10! I am super, duper strongly considering having a 25 people max gathering at city hall and getting hitched with the ABSOLUTE closest people in my life- and his (we would still buy a dress, get a tux, BM dresses, groomsmen, bouquets, etc.) but then just go out for a nice dinner/for drinks! The thought is then to throw some sort of Not-Wedding ( on our one year or something or other... like a reception without the ceremony for all those other people that we still love but couldn't afford at the time, and just spend the first year saving saving saving. Crazy??? Maybe, but then, I also kinda like the idea............... HMM. Bonus= get to potentially wear the dress twice.